A large number of college graduates, a substantial network of young professionals, and a significant Spanish-speaking population are just a few highlights of our workforce.
Fall 2024
Fall 2024
Fiscal Year 2024
Fiscal Year 2024
Tech Parks Arizona has established itself at the intersection of innovation and academia to advance business. Our purpose-built environment is customized to support businesses of all sizes and facilitate university-industry interaction. Businesses are immediately plugged into the resources of the University of Arizona, a Research 1 (R1) university. This status indicates that the institution engages in the highest levels of research activity, and businesses benefit from a collection of research expertise and a robust talent pipeline.
The University of Arizona is a world-class Tier One research university and a Top 20 public university, as ranked by the National Science Foundation. With $1 billion in annual research activity, the University of Arizona is pushing the boundaries of knowledge and innovation. It is a member of the prestigious Association of American Universities (AAU), which recognizes universities that excel in research and academic achievement.
R&D Expenditures
in the U.S. (No. 6 in the world)
in the U.S.
in the nation
R&D Expenditures
among public universities
UA is home to nearly 45,000 students – both undergraduate and graduate – who represent every state in the nation and 116 countries. It offers more than 300 majors through 20 colleges across three campuses – Tucson, Phoenix, and Sierra Vista. It also provides the state’s only medical school.
The UA was ranked No. 52 based on its quality of education, alumni employment, faculty quality, research output, publications, influence, and citations. That ranking places the UA among the top 1% of universities worldwide. The UA recently earned its highest overall mark in the U.S. News & World Report ranking since 2011, placing 46th among public institutions in the Best Colleges 2019 guidebook.
Tech Park tenant companies benefit from access to researchers and innovators in the UA’s many internationally recognized programs, including:
UA ranks among the top 10 NASA grant recipients and is the first public university to lead a NASA mission to Mars.
UA ranks No. 1 in the nation for research expenditures in the physical sciences.
The Banner – University Medical Center is one of the nation’s leading hospitals in heart surgery, respiratory disorders, cancer, neurology and neurosurgery, urology, kidney disease, orthopedics, and digestive disorders.
Each year, UA graduates more than 7,000 students, many in fields critical to technology companies: life sciences, physical sciences, space science, optics, MIS, entrepreneurship, and more.
In addition, many UA undergraduates are eager for internship opportunities.
Our business support team will work closely with you to provide access to this talent pool to support your growing business.
As a tenant company at UA Tech Park, possibilities abound for collaborative research, technology licensing agreements, consultation, and other productive arrangements. Talk to us about how UA expertise can help your company succeed