Nicola Esposito
Marketing Specialist, Tech Parks Arizona
I am a woman of female empowerment.
I firmly believe in the mantra, “I am enough.” Growing up, I was fortunate to have a mother who instilled this belief in me from a young age. Through stories and shared moments with my mother, I was able to navigate life’s twists and turns with resilience and authenticity, always knowing that everything I need lies within. Though I stumble along the way, I remember to embrace my flaws, acknowledge my achievements, and navigate life’s challenges with a sense of contentment. As a mother to two amazing little girls, I have the honor and privilege of passing on this invaluable lesson, teaching them that they are worthy of being loved, seen, recognized, and accepted just as they are. No matter what challenges they face, I want them to know they are enough. Together, we embrace the journey of self-discovery, knowing that our worth is inherent and that growth comes from embracing our true selves.
Shae Sonderer
Project Engineer, Jacobs
Angelique Budaya
Program Director, IBM
I’ve been thoroughly inspired by my fellow Women of the UA Tech Park throughout this month. As Women’s History Month draws to a close, I’m making a promise to continue celebrating the achievements of women everywhere, never forget the strength my struggles taught me, and to unapologetically embrace every aspect of who I am.
As I sit here, reflecting on my journey, I can’t help but feel a sense of pride. Despite any challenges that arose, I have made it. I’ve carved out a place for myself in a field that had once seemed impenetrable. As I look toward the future, I know that I have a responsibility to pave the way for others like me, to break down barriers and challenge the status quo. Everyone should have the chance to be true to themselves and be accepted for that. Our hold on our identity inspires our passions and leads to amazing innovations and breakthroughs that can better our communities, and even the world if we’re allowed to dream big enough.
Maylee Haverly
Tactical Strike Proposal Manager
I am a woman driven by humanity.
I am no ordinary woman. I have a compassionate soul with a heart for global service, and I have dedicated my life to making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. With the dawn of International Women’s Month, I’ve set out on a journey that takes me to the farthest reaches of the globe. With my background in the aerospace sector and spirit for adventure in tow, my mission is clear: to contribute to the wellbeing of communities in third world countries, igniting a spark of hope and resilience.
Vanessa Sobik
TS7700 Development Manager, IBM
I am a woman of harmony.
Growing up in Tucson, I was surrounded by both technology and music, thanks to my parents’ influence. Despite my initial passion for music, my exposure to technology ignited a curiosity within me. Eventually, I made the bold decision to transition from music to Computer Science at the University of Arizona, believing that my love for both fields could intertwine. As I reflect during Women’s Month, I stand as a testament to the strength and resilience of women who dare to break barriers and pursue their dreams unapologetically. Despite the challenges I faced, I persevered, and my journey has led me to become a successful manager in the tech industry.
As a mother of two, I see so much value in exposing my children to STEM education early on the way my parents did for me. Providing them outlets to experiment, explore and create is helping them grow and tackle challenges while they are still in a learning space. Reflecting on my experiences, I’m reminded that everyone has the power to shape their own destinies and that my unique blend of interests has propelled me to where I am today—a true embodiment of the harmony between music and technology.
Nichole Adams
Service Sr. Supervisor, Citi
I am a woman of inspiration.
Growing up as an Air Force dependent, I was surrounded and influenced by technology and mathematics at a young age. I was raised by a single mother, who was a rarity in her own right. As a young African American enlisted person, she built her career in the Air Force as an electronics technician working on F-16 avionics systems. My mother taught me to analyze and research circuitry schematics and encouraged me to learn the inner workings of radios and other everyday communication devices. This ignited the spark for my passion in math, particularly accounting and finance.
My mother, with her warm smile and unwavering determination, is my guiding light through the maze of life’s complexities. She understands that knowledge is power, and she made it her mission to ensure that I was equipped with the tools necessary to navigate through the challenges that lay ahead. Whether it was discussing politics, dissecting the latest news headlines, or delving into the pages of history books, my mother has always encouraged me to engage with the world with a sharp mind and an open heart.
Today, as I look back on the path I have traveled, I am filled with gratitude for the incredible woman who shaped me into the person I have become. My mother’s advice and legacy lives on in every decision I make, in every word I speak, and in every heart I touch. She remains a constant source of strength and inspiration in my life, guiding me forward as I continue to navigate the world with a critical mind and an unwavering resolve.
Christina Orosco
Director, Spectrum Scale & Elastic Strorage Server Development, IBM
I am a woman of encouragement.
I am a Tucson native through and through. I was born and raised here, attended University High School, and graduated from the University of Arizona with my bachelor’s and master’s degrees. I feel extremely fortunate that throughout my education I had amazing teachers, coaches and mentors who made STEM careers feel obtainable rather than distant dreams. In middle school I had several instrumental math teachers who took their personal time outside regular school hours to host daily classes for anyone interested in applied math concepts and accelerated course work. This was genuinely the spark of my education that made school not feel like a chore. I was given a true opportunity to explore the power of STEM in an extremely supportive and nurturing environment.
Today, as a Woman in STEM I appreciate and feel the importance of taking time to really network and share your own journey and experiences to ignite that spark for someone else. Because of this, I believe that it is imperative to be active in mentorship and lead as a role model. I see one of the key challenges for women in STEM is a lack of self-confidence. It is invaluable for women with successful careers in STEM take on mentorship and role model opportunities and make time to share experiences, advice and provide a window of opportunity for women emerging in the field to ask any and all questions. This will help our emerging female leaders feel less ostracized, encourage their confidence, and foster a community and network where we are physically present and available to engage with one another.
Mindy Gentry
Logistics Supervisor, Raytheon
I am a woman of who is a force to be reckoned with.
Throughout my childhood, I was always told to grab life by the horns and go for what I want. Coming from a single parent household, I learned early on what some of the challenges life will throw at you are, especially as women. I challenged everything I came across. When I went into college, I pursued a drafting and design field, a very male dominated area. I was one of two females in my class. From there, I knew it was going to be tough. I graduated top of my class and kept going. From there, I went to project management, another male dominated field. Again, I was one of two females in my class. But again, I graduated top of my class. I wanted to show that women can do anything a man can. When I entered the workforce in drafting, it was made clear that women were not respected. I faced daily challenges of discrimination. It took months to earn the respect of my coworkers and clients. I’m fortunate to currently work in a company that encourages diversity and supports it. I have met amazing women along the way in my career here who have mentored me and taught me valuable skills. They didn’t have to, but they invested in me, something I will always appreciate. This is the example we need to lead with. We need to help and support each other.
Women are strong. We can do anything we set our minds to. It is our responsibility to remind each other of that every chance we get.
Sarah Seaman
Laboratory Supervisor, Eurofins CellTx
I am a woman of admiration.
If there’s one person who has shaped my life more than anyone else, it’s my mother. She’s the epitome of strength, a woman who defies all odds with unwavering determination.
Growing up, we moved around a lot; Mom and Dad worked tirelessly to provide for us. Dad was the backbone of our family, working long hours as an engineer. But Mom was the glue holding us all together with her boundless love. When my parents decided to start a family, Mom set a dream aside but as we grew older, she felt the pull to pursue it once again.
I watched in awe as Mom embarked on her journey to achieve a long-harbored dream – to become a nurse. She was my superhero, balancing the demands of motherhood with the rigors of nursing school. She woke up before the sun rose, studying late into the night after we had all gone to bed, never giving up despite the challenges that arose. Through the demands of school, Mom still found time to always be there for us, cheering at cross country races and track meets, helping with homework, and picking us up when we were down.
Years passed and Mom graduated from nursing school. Freshly out of school, she started in the odd shifts that were readily available for new graduates and often worked late into the night. My dad would come home from work, make dinner, help with homework, and help get us ready for bed. Their support of each other and teamwork through difficult times helped show me what a loving and supportive relationship looked like. It also shows me that hard work wasn’t the only thing that helped you reach your dreams. It was hard work, but it was also love, sacrifice and support. To this day, Mom is a registered nurse, making a difference in the lives of others with her compassion and expertise.
Looking back, I realize that the strongest woman I’ve ever known wasn’t just a nurse or a mother – she was MY mother. I am forever grateful for the lessons she has taught me about the power of perseverance and the importance of never giving up on your dreams.
Lisa Jensen-Long
Co-Founder, Reparvi
I am a woman of resiliency.
I grew up as the third child and competitive swimmer, understanding from a young age that competition and challenge are part of life, but resiliency is a key to success. I also learned winning isn’t always guaranteed. However, regardless of winning or losing, meaningful rewards can be found through effort, hard work, and passion.
Despite not having a STEM background in my family, I pursued education and career paths that challenged me and allowed me to share my knowledge. Graduating as a marketing major from USC, I excelled in pharmaceutical sales, utilizing my curiosity and communication skills to succeed. Life took a challenging turn as my husband battled gastric cancer while I raised our twins. His passing motivated me to shift my career focus towards diagnostics, where I could contribute to early detection and treatment.
Over a decade at Ventana Medical Systems, I worked tirelessly to develop diagnostic solutions, driven by personal losses to cancer. As a single parent, I dedicated myself to creating a better future, both for my children and cancer patients worldwide. My innate curiosity and refusal to accept “no” as an answer led me to co-found Reparvi, a cell-engineering startup focused on innovative technologies for public good.
Our company’s first offering—a biological cryopreservative technology—aims to revolutionize cell and gene therapies, making them more accessible to those in need. I am grateful for the scientists and researchers who continue to educate and inspire me, and I hope that our efforts will contribute to making cancer a manageable, if not extinct, disease for future generations.
Lacey Rao
Co-Founder, BFC Med
I am a woman of kindheartedness.
My journey has been fueled by a passion for STEM and compassion for people. Starting with a biology degree, my fascination with anatomy and physiology led me to medical school, specializing in orthopedic surgery—a field where women are rare, making up just 6% of Board-Certified surgeons. I was welcomed to a 5-year residency by smart, thoughtful, kind teachers, who never made me feel any different because I was a woman. Through that I found a sub-specialty in hand surgery, which I’ve been practicing in Tucson, AZ for 12 years now. I love being able to return the use of someone’s hands to them; helping grandmothers hold their grandchildren, giving people the ability to sleep through the night without the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome, putting hands and wrists back together after the trauma of motor vehicle accidents.
My love and understanding of the STEM that goes into the medical field is one of the reasons my husband and I started our company, BFC Med. After my mother was hospitalized at a time we lived in different states, I sympathized with the fear and frustration someone may have understanding care plans and the hospital experience in general, especially if you are trying to help a loved one from far away. Our solution is our smartphone app that patients download when admitted to the hospital that provides a wealth of information, such as diagnosis, doctor profiles, and alerts for planned visits every day. The app also connects the patient’s approved friends and family to the care team for clearer, recorded communication. We have completed our prototype, obtained 2 patents to protect our technology, and will begin alpha testing in a local hospital this spring.
Being a woman in medicine or business can be daunting. As a woman finding success in both industries, I strive to be a role model, proving we can excel professionally and personally. I mentor women, including my own daughters ages 7 and 11, nurturing their STEM talents daily. I believe in being a resource for all and fostering collaboration which benefits us collectively.
Marjorie Rinaldo
Site Coordinator, Jacobs
I am a woman with no limitations.
I owe everything I am today to the man who raised me – my father. As we celebrate Women’s Month, I find myself reminiscing on memories I share with him and the profound impact he had on shaping the woman I have become. For as long as I can remember, my father encouraged my sisters and I to chase our dreams and believe that there were no limits to what we could achieve. He never imposed traditional gender roles on me and instead encouraged me to pursue my passions relentlessly. Whether it was sports, academics, or creative endeavors, he stood by my side, cheering me on every step of the way.
As I grew older, my father continued to be my guiding light. When I faced obstacles or doubts about my abilities, he was there to remind me of my worth. He taught me the value of perseverance and the importance of staying true to myself, even in the face of adversity. It was through his encouragement and mentorship I pursued jobs in construction or concrete work. I loved working with my hands like he did! I became a successful site coordinator, breaking into male-dominated industries and paving the way for other women to follow. And every step of the way, my father was there, beaming with pride at the woman I had become.
Today, as I stand tall in my accomplishments, I know that I owe it all to the lessons my father taught me. His love, guidance, and unwavering belief in me have shaped me into the strong, independent woman I am today. And as we celebrate Women’s Month, I honor his legacy by continuing to strive for equality and empowerment, just as he did for me.
Chanda Storer
Factory Support/Value Stream Lead, Raytheon
I am a woman of courageousness.
I am a compassionate Dine’ woman, belonging to the Kiyaanii (Towering House) clan and born for the Ashiihi (Salt People) clan. I was raised on a ranch surrounded by horses and cattle, and quickly understood the value of hard work. I knew from a young age, putting hard work and critical thinking into my goals would help me achieve. As a young girl, I aspired to become a veterinarian. Education has always been a priority in my family, and I discovered that I thrive as a hands-on learner. I eagerly anticipated classes that offered practical labs and found that actively engaging in tasks ensures a deeper understanding that stays with me longer. Agricultural and animal science courses were particularly captivating for me during my academic years, leading me to pursue a background in Animal Science, culminating in a Masters in Reproductive Physiology. My journey into my current field was unexpected; however, taking a chance on applying for my current position led me here, fifteen years later. The environment has been conducive to both learning and professional development.
Reflecting on my decision to relocate to Tucson, I recall the wise words of my mother, who encouraged me not to shy away from opportunities that invoke fear, as they often signify avenues for personal growth. Her advice to be brave resonates deeply with me, and I urge fellow women to embrace courage and strive to make a meaningful impact. You never know whose life you might inspire along the way. I believe in the significance of sharing experiences with women who may find themselves in similar situations or seeking career advancement. Discovering and connecting with women from diverse backgrounds and varied journeys is invigorating. A shared challenge I see in womanhood is being labeled as emotional and not taken seriously for it. It’s important that we recognize both the individual and collective strength we have as women to tap into an emotional side and connect with one another, it’s not a weakness to be passionate, caring and attentive of those around you.
Mercedes Fuentes
Operational Manager for Bankruptcy Strategy, Citi
I am a woman of personal and professional growth.
I am a first-generation Mexican American woman. My mother and four sons serve as my primary sources of inspiration and drive, their unwavering support has empowered me to overcome challenges. Raised in Tucson, this city has been my home since childhood. Working at Citi Bank has provided me with a platform to advocate for and shed light on the community I hold dear.
Thirteen years ago, my team lead approached me about stepping into a leadership position. At the time, I couldn’t envision myself as a leader; the idea had never crossed my mind. Doubts plagued me, asking what could I possibly offer? The reassurance from me team lead made all that fade away, suggesting that I possessed qualities I might not recognize. He encouraged me not to fear trying something unfamiliar. I took the plunge and accepted the leadership opportunity. That decision altered my entire perspective and gave me newfound confidence to more easily assert myself and contribute actively.
I became involved in company groups dedicated to community service, aligning with my own interests. Particularly noteworthy are the remarkable Women of the UA Tech Park, whose strength and influence inspire me daily. I actively seek avenues for personal growth when supporting and uplifting my female colleagues at the park. This includes attending workshops centered on inclusivity and any opportunities for self-improvement. My ultimate aspiration is to continually evolve as a person, striving to be the best version of myself. I understand the importance of being a guiding voice for others, offering encouragement for them to embark on their own journeys. Witnessing someone’s progress and development brings me immense joy and a sense of fulfillment. I remain committed to being a beacon of hope and encouragement for those around me. For it is through our collective journey of growth and empowerment that we truly thrive, leaving a lasting impact on our communities and the world at large.
Carolyn Hutchins
Lead Engineer for Small Tape Libraries, IBM
I am a woman of legacy. The UA Tech Park is in my blood.
Back in 1982, my parents moved from Laramie, Wyoming to Tucson so that my dad could start an engineering job at IBM. At that time, the tech park was only IBM and full of young families new to Tucson. I was born a few years later and spent my childhood at IBM Family Days, Take Your Kid to Work Days, and playing on the scorching hot playground at the Rec Center.
While earning my mechanical engineering undergrad at the U of A, I myself started at IBM as a co-op. I learned so much more about engineering than I could have ever learned in a classroom. When my husband (then boyfriend) graduated from college, he started at Raytheon, also at the UA Tech Park (Hi, Dan Gurney!). Later, when I graduated from grad school, I had a difficult decision to make between IBM and Raytheon. I stayed at IBM and have been there ever since, 13 years this week and counting.
My career has grown and evolved in ways I never could have predicted (For several years, I was also the UA Tech Park Zumba instructor). I am now the Lead Engineer for Small Tape Libraries, a role I took over from an old family friend when he retired. I’m really grateful for the variety of opportunities the tech park has offered me and my family and I can’t wait to see what happens next! Can we bring back the petting zoos, though? My son would really love to touch a goat.
Carolyn as a kid at the UA Tech Park!
Hillary Ullrich
Program Manager, Raytheon
I am a woman driven by gratitude.
As a woman in STEM, I am extremely grateful and proud to contribute to fields that shape our world. At Raytheon, I am specifically honored to deliver capabilities that create a safer, more secure world. In the ever-evolving landscape of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), women play a crucial role. Our unique perspectives and problem-solving abilities lead to groundbreaking innovations. Whether it’s developing life-saving medical devices, creating sustainable energy solutions, or advancing artificial intelligence, women contribute significantly. As a STEM enthusiast, I take pride in being part of this transformative community.
Historically, women faced barriers in STEM; I am so grateful to the women who came before me and persistently shattered those limitations. By pursuing STEM careers, we inspire future generations. When young girls see women excelling in fields like computer science, aerospace engineering, or biotechnology, they envision their own possibilities. I am constantly reminded of how important this is as I raise three daughters of my own. As a woman in STEM, I’m passionate about building a sense of community in how I show up as a leader. I thrive on collaborating and working in teams to find solutions to the most complex challenges. I am inspired every day by the community that surrounds me. During International Women’s Month, I hope that the stories of amazing women in history serve as inspiration for everyone to self-reflect and pursue their passion.
Addie Richards
Tape Automation Development Manager, IBM
I am a woman who breaks boundaries.
I grew up in a rural area outside Columbus, Ohio where early exposure STEM programs were non-existent and female role-models in STEM were hard to come by. In college, I found I was one of very few women in my MIS program, making it more challenging to build out my network and establish connections early on. But rather than letting that deter me, I used it to motivate my own successes and inspire change in the industry.
As I look back on my development and 23-year career at IBM, I appreciate now more than ever the advantages of advocating for diversity in the workplace and the strength inspired by a good role model. When the table is filled with a variety of backgrounds and viewpoints, there’s a breath of fresh air that challenges us to think in new ways and achieve better business outcomes. The support and mentorship of my trusted female colleague gave me the courage to take on my first product management role. She motivated me to push beyond my comfort zone and it changed the trajectory of my career. Now, as a people manager it’s important to me to empower other women via inclusive hiring practices as well as early exposure to STEM edification. I share my story with K-12 students and my own daughters to inspire bravery so they can envision a future where they are also powerful female leaders in STEM.
I implore women to have the courage to speak up against bias and for leaders to create inclusive environments in STEM. We all must make it our goal to uplift, champion and support talented women to take chances on themselves and continue pushing for progress.
Shae Sonderer
Project Engineer, Jacobs
I am a woman of ambition.
From an early age, I gravitated towards the STEM field due to the influence of my parents, both of whom are professionals in this area and strongly encouraged me to pursue engineering. Upon entering college, I immediately declared mechanical engineering as my major. That feeling felt so natural that I cannot imagine myself doing anything else. With the support of those around me, I navigated through challenges and found my true calling. This empowerment enabled me to gain an internship and then a full-time position after graduation with Jacobs Engineering at the UA Tech Park. Stretching the mind and solving today’s problems is amazing. Knowing that my contributions have a tangible impact on society adds to this sense of fulfillment.
Rachel D’Acquisto
Owner & Creator, Cocktail Lab AZ & Ray Ray’s Sonoran Spirit Tea
I am a woman who builds community.
I’m Rachel, a.k.a. Ray Ray! I own and operate Cocktail Lab AZ and am the creator of Ray Ray’s Sonoran Spirit Tea. I’ve always earned a living in the service industry, working just about every job from dish washing to general management. The idea for Ray Ray’s came to me while I was bartending, I saw a gap in offerings and created something that wasn’t a beer or cocktail but rather a spiked tea. My favorite part of bartending was making memories with folks and to be part of good times, I became obsessed with doing that on a larger scale, and Ray Ray’s Sonoran Spirit Tea was born! My dad came up with the name because my work family nick-named me Ray Ray. As most folks know, we may spend more time with our work family than our actual family. That is a huge reason why a family operated business is so important to us. To have my parents, husband, kids, siblings, and friends be a part of this crazy biz, is proving to be one of my life’s great joys.
I started the Cocktail Lab AZ journey during the pandemic, while I tried to figure out how to produce and sell booze safely and legally. With Cocktail Lab AZ I could bartend and do cocktail catering, before I knew it, I was consulting for bar and restaurants. This was the placeholder that allowed me to start my business journey before I had it all figured out, (I’m still learning). You can still find me behind the bar from time to time at the Historic Rialto Theatre Foundation spaces because I just love connecting with people! I can’t wait to make Ray Ray’s a trusted household name in the craft booze world, because it all comes back to good friends and good spirits.
Lizeth Celaya
Executive Assistant, Applied Energetics, Inc.
I am a woman of advocacy.
When we think of women in STEM, we think of women who have broken barriers and become successful engineers or scientists. It’s important we keep in mind the women who are running marketing, HR, or legal departments behind closed curtains to ensure the success of a tech company. I am part of the latter group, and I believe that my role will remain essential to the development of our company. I majored in Law at the University of Arizona; I was pursuing a legal career in immigration when I came across this job two years ago. Although the job duties were quite different from what I was doing, I decided to take a shot and landed it. My legal background has helped me assist the company in remaining compliant with different agencies and given me the opportunity to assist Applied Energetics in gaining government funding and advancing business development opportunities.
There are many challenges that women in STEM face. For starters, they struggle with representation. Being the only woman, or one of the few women at the table puts extra pressure on everything we do or say. Being in a room where you know everything you say will be challenged only because you’re a woman can be really exhausting. I think the way to address the problem is to encourage more young women to seek careers within STEM industries – no matter their job function. We had a bright female high school intern in the summer of 2023. At the end of the internship, she stated that she would like to become a Mechanical Engineer. She confirmed our beliefs that these internships help young women envision themselves pursuing a career in STEM. With more representation, women in STEM will struggle less to have their voices heard.
Christine Bradish
Senior VP, Program Management Senior Lead, Citi
I am a woman of faith.
My journey is one marked by both the shadows of uncertainty and the radiant light of hope. As a cancer survivor my life has been a testament to the power of faith and the unwavering support and love of those around me. I could have allowed fear of the unknown to become a constant companion, but I chose hope and perseverance. I found an anchor in my faith. It was a voice of reassurance whispering to me to believe, to move forward. To have faith. I want to share my story, not as a victim of circumstance, but as a survivor who triumphed against the odds. Women’s Month is not merely a celebration; it is a reminder that within every woman lies the power to overcome, to rise above challenges, and to illuminate even the darkest corners with the light of hope. May my story serve as a testament to the indomitable spirit of women- a beacon for those who, like me, find strength in the embrace of faith and the support of their communities, both personally and professionally.
Brenna Guzman
Regulatory Affairs & Quality Assurance Manager, Eurofins CellTx
I am a woman of fortitude.
My experience through life has been filled with challenges and triumphs. I was born into a world where opportunities were scarce, dreams seemed distant, and if you wanted something you couldn’t just wish for it. Growing up I faced challenges that easily could have defined me. However, against all odds, I carved my own path and fought to become the strong woman I am today.
My original plan wasn’t a STEM-based career, but to support myself through college I took a role as a lab assistant for a local stem cell bank. Over my career there I fell in love with science, and more specifically establishing quality in science. After nearly a 17-year career there, and moving into the quality assurance department, I decided to expand my horizons by moving into the medical device industry. I quickly realized I missed the lab, which has fortunately led me to my current role with Eurofins CellTx!
When I started in the industry there were not as many women as there are today, but as we encourage each other to continue to pursue our passions our presence grows. The coolest part of STEM to me is that there is such a variety of positions that we can all find our space and as a result we are spreading knowledge, discovering new things, and improving the industry. I feel a sense of pride as a woman in STEM, making strides and proving the pursuit of knowledge knows no gender. International Women’s Month is a reminder that our contributions are not just valuable; they are indispensable in shaping the scientific landscape for generations to come.
Iselda Méndez
Client Services Coordinator, University of Arizona Center for Innovation
I am a woman of compassion.
I carry the love and life lessons I’ve gathered as a mother and grandmother into everything that I do. I take on each day with gratitude and the goal to lift others. Every day I have the honor of meeting entrepreneurs and watching them grow in their journeys. I’m inspired witnessing the excitement and passion in their eyes as they launch their businesses, eager to overcome challenges and reach hard-to-hit milestones. I cheer them on with admiration and I’m grateful to participate in strategizing and goalsetting to ensure the success of our startups. Working alongside dreamers and innovators every day gives me amazing stories that inspire my granddaughters, encouraging them to become leaders and chase their own dreams. Supporting organizations such as SARSEF opens the door to the world of STEM and helps build the foundation for critical thinking and creating innovative solutions to the challenges our community faces.
Alicia Ramirez
Compliance Business Control Sr. Manager, Citi
I am a woman of authenticity.
The foundation of my personal growth and career advancement is rooted in development, representation, and mentorship. I am a strong Hispanic, LGBTQIA+ woman, and mom steadfast in my goal to standup for diverse women while raising and sharing experiences with my son. I entered the workforce at a young age and was fortunate enough to quickly find a mentor who shared in the way I identify. In taking young 18-year-old me under her wing, giving me opportunities to learn and succeed while remaining true to oneself, I soon became the youngest store manager in my district. If I had not seen someone that was like me, show me that it was possible, I am not sure I would have believed it was. This experience instilled in me the importance of mentorship to encourage others’ self-development as well as how we can use our voice to influence and educate others. Sharing my experiences can act as a ripple effect, creating small changes in thinking that have a larger impact on those around us. I promote diversity and inclusion by always showing up as my authentic self, serving as an example of success that can be obtained through hard work, perseverance, courage, kindness and compassion.
Beth Megerle
IT & Finance/HR Assistant, Tech Parks Arizona
I am a woman of adaptability.
My career and journey with STEM have been one twist after another, but I wouldn’t dream of trading my adventure. In all honesty, it took me writing this story and speaking with the powerful women who surround me to find my voice in this space. When I was attending college in the 80’s, STEM (let alone women in STEM) was not the topic of conversation- basic equality for women was. After I graduated from the University of Arizona with a General Studies degree in Classics, History and French, I took on my first job (and twist into STEM) as a computer specialist. At the time, computers were not the norm; cell phones did not exist, anyone with a knack for understanding how the machines and software worked was welcomed as a “specialist”. My career evolved as computers did, growing from a specialist to managing the software and infrastructure for the Athletics Ticket Office and Development Office. Here, I found a space in my career where I was able to lift others. I interacted with students, as event attendees and student employees, listening to and advising their struggles while encouraging their interests and goals within their degrees. I valued my time in a mentorship role for these students, offering advice from a perspective as someone who stumbled into her own path and found excitement in the adventure. Now, I see myself having a smaller, more personal impact for STEM. In my current position, I’m no longer a policies/initiatives creator, however, I’m working directly with people and startups in the science and tech space and can encourage and cheer on their successes. I nurture growth by actively networking on site and connecting people to leaders and resources fueling their success.
Diana Coronado
Vice President – Customer Experience Lead Analyst, Citi
I am a woman of representation. Being a black-Hispanic, queer, neurodivergent woman in the workplace allows me to be a voice of diversity and inclusivity, but most importantly it provides a platform to showcase representation. It is important for me to show up as my authentic self every day because there are many who can’t or have not yet built enough strength to fully represent themselves. For many years, I was one of the silent ones, so I know firsthand the toll it takes on our mind, body and spirit to mask and conform to a societal standard. Through my journey of introspection and having my life turned upside down more than once is where I found the strength to fight for what I stand and represent. Today, I stand tall and unapologetic for who I am. I am a strong woman who has found comfort in her own skin. I am the woman I searched for when I was a little girl. I am the Phoenix who has risen from the ashes ready to instill power in other women!
Brenda Holmes
VP of Hardware Development, Doppler Systems
I am a woman of gratitude. When you think of people who inspire and promote women in STEM, who comes to mind? Most often, it is women role models and champions of girls in STEM. For me, I think about my father. He was a key player in my interest in STEM growing up. His enthusiasm and love of his work inspired me. He also took me to his “Take Your Daughter to Work Day” where I was hooked after sitting through my first engineering meeting and reading his technical reports. His continuing support and love encourage me to this day and keeps me pushing forward in my career. I would like us to recognize the importance of men in this support network. I believe that the influence of a father on their daughters can create an impact which sprouts and promotes the growth of young minds. For me, being a woman in STEM means having the ability to shape the future and to inspire my children. I’d like to say thank you to all the fathers who are supporting their kids, encouraging them to achieve in STEM. You are inspiring the minds of your children every day. You are sparking something in them that inspires and creates the best version of them. The love from a father is something that is incomparable, inspiring, and can generate the best feelings in the world. Thank you to fathers everywhere who are supporting their daughters.
Alexandra Trujillo
Collector 5 Specialist, Citi
People think of Latina women as being fiery and fierce, which is usually true. But I think the quality that so many Latinas possess is vigor. Throughout my career, some of the biggest obstacles that I have faced relate to the fact that I am a young Latina woman. Many people doubted my ability to create or sustain a team to make my vision become a reality. They questioned my credentials and whether I could be the kind of leader worth investing in. Citi has given me the voice I need and the opportunity to truly showcase who I am. I am not afraid to reach my goals, let alone overachieve. As an immigrant to the US, I know the challenges we all will encounter too well, especially for minority groups. The road will not always be smooth, and regardless of your cultural background, you should believe in yourself. By placing value on yourself, you take the first step in showing the world your potential and strength and that will always shine through to help you achieve!
La gente piensa que las mujeres latinas son fogosas y feroces, lo cual suele ser cierto. Pero creo que la cualidad que poseen tantas latinas es el vigor. A lo largo de mi carrera, algunos de los mayores obstáculos que he enfrentado se relacionan con el hecho de que soy una joven latina. Mucha gente dudaba de mi capacidad para crear o mantener un equipo para hacer realidad mi visión. Cuestionaron mis credenciales y si yo podía ser el tipo de líder en el que valía la pena invertir. Citi me ha dado la voz que necesito y la oportunidad de mostrar realmente quién soy. No tengo miedo de alcanzar mis metas, y mucho menos de superarlas. Como inmigrante a los conozco muy bien los desafíos que todos enfrentaremos, especialmente para los grupos minoritarios. El camino no siempre será fácil e independientemente de tu origen cultural, debes creer en ti mismo. Al valorarte a ti mismo, das el primer paso para mostrarle al mundo tu potencial y fortaleza, ¡y eso siempre brillará para ayudarte a lograrlo!
Carmen Otero
Program Coordinator, Steward Observatory
I am a woman of ambition, my motto is “where there is a will, there is a way”. I’m driven by my desire for success: seeing a job well done, protecting those that need help and knowing my family is happy and healthy. To me, being a woman in STEM means overcoming the stigma that women are fragile or weak. We are challenged to earn respect, find our self-worth, and remain motivated after jumping through so many hurdles in life. My story stems from simultaneously having a family, working fulltime, and attending night school to complete my degree. The difficulties I faced and saw other women facing in life encouraged me to change careers and get into STEM. My intentions and dreams have been fortified in challenges I’ve endured and overcome. The strong woman you see before you will continue to grow and change the world around her!
Chris Telford
Director, DS8k and TS7700 Development, IBM
I have been called a fearless woman! I have blazed my own trails in the world of STEM. I always excelled in math, and when my small town in Nebraska purchased five computers for the local high school, I was one of the lucky ones chosen to learn some programming. Hello world!! That was the moment I realized my passion for technology and that I wanted to pursue my degree in Computer Science. This passion served me well over the last 32 years in my career at IBM. Some may call me outspoken and boisterous, but that doesn’t hold me back! I know it’s important to show other women that my voice needs to be heard and my opinion matters. I try to lead the way by inspiring others to speak up for what they believe in and not hold back. This doesn’t just apply to women; I want everyone to realize and know their voice should be heard. When everyone contributes their best, the result is truly amazing!
Darcelle Knights-Urbano
Principal Specialist, Raytheon Technologies
I am a woman of confidence and dedication. Each day I wake up, I intentionally prepare to be my best self in any capacity – as a leader, employee, mom, wife, daughter and sister. I find purpose in showing the best part of me in all that I do. I stand firm in the woman I am. I don’t change myself to conform to someone else’s perception or standards. I learned at an early age that you win some, and you lose some; no matter what you do, there will always be people that may not agree with you. So, I just live life being the best, most honest person that I can be while I stand firm in my values. As a woman in the IT world, it’s challenging when you are in the room and others assume the male is in charge. In most cases they eventually realize the error however, it would be wonderful if one day we move away from these assumptions to be respectful of all individuals in the room regardless of gender. I’d prefer if they asked the question outright! It’s always better to ask and acknowledge than assume and dismiss.
Esli Rios
Environmental Engineer, Jacobs
I am a woman of resilience. When I was 12 years old, I moved from Mexico to Texas and knew nothing about finding success in the American school system. From earning good grades to being accepted into a favorable college, I was completely lost. My mom didn’t know English, so my sister was the one who stepped up and taught me to be levelheaded in these situations. She showed me what she already knew and coached me in the things I needed to know. In college, I was drawn to pursue an engineering degree then thrown into the male dominated industry and classes, fighting to find my place in that world. I had a teacher who would talk football with the guys in class then turn to me to ask what kind of sewing machine I had. I was taken aback by the condescension, as if my gender had anything to do with my ability. Fortunately, I had a wonderful mentor who had my back, telling this teacher how I was not only an incredibly capable woman, but also one of the top students in my class. Eventually I found my way into construction, and I found a home in the colleagues and work we were doing. While it is still a male dominated field, I was welcomed to ask questions and learn new skills rather than already needing to know everything to prove myself. I’ve never felt out of place here. I realize in reflecting on all that I have overcome, I want to thank and repay the women who supported my growth into a strong woman of STEM by becoming that mentor to other young girls. I want to show them that others cannot define their intelligence and character, that a woman can not only find comfort, security and passion in a typically male dominated career, but can thrive there.
Theresa Brown
Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM
I am a woman of diversity and vibrancy. I live life to the fullest, shining my light everywhere I go. I grew up absorbing two cultural stories. As a Black and Asian-American woman, I have not typically been recognized as a part of both cultures. I believe it is important for everyone to be able to thrive in their environment and be a part of the community. I have spoken to numerous individuals about how they can change their lives to be more self-determined. Through tenacity and grit I have built my career and strive to see others achieve the same success.
Brandi Polanco
StormBreaker® LIT PME, ME/PE Functional Lead – SIC, Raytheon Technologies
I am a woman of compassion. I place value on the time I spend with others, spanning from giving back to my community, enjoying time with my boys and my husband, and bringing the work family together for something fun. I find success in being present and accomplished throughout aspects of my life; a devoted mother and a dedicated career woman who loves coming into work every day. Being a woman in STEM is such an honor to me. I realize that this was not always an option for women in history. It’s empowering to contribute to bigger things, things that can change lives. My father is a retired Chief Engineer and I look up to him. His inspiration brought me to the career I love, and I realize that I can be a role model for the next generation of engineers. I hope that I can inspire someone as much as I have been inspired by others.
Angela Pholphiboun
Program Director, z/OS Software, IBM
I am a woman of tenacity. Throughout my life I have pushed to be the best version of myself. I became a mother at a young age; raising my children and pursuing a degree at the same time presented me with challenges that grew me as a professional, a care giver, and most of all a WOMAN. I held to my core values knowing I could achieve despite any odds against me, self-motivating and supporting myself to pursue STEM. I have always been data driven; I love researching, gathering information, and analyzing facts to determine what should and could be done. As a professional woman in STEM I have faced challenges, but I see them as opportunities to grow and better the workforce for women. Women need to celebrate and support each other instead of competing for the limited opportunities at the top of our companies. I’m grateful for the women who have supported me in my career; in lifting one another up, we all rise higher.
Jaqueline Nuñez
Accounting Specialist, Tech Parks Arizona
I am a woman of determination. I consistently strive to achieve more; I set goals for myself, focus, and thrive in solving problems as they are presented to me. I’ve always been a self-motivated person, but since becoming a wife and a mother I find strength and motivation from my family. As a working woman, I find success in knowing I’m setting an example for my kids. I love being a mom, but I also love having a successful career, who says you have to choose? I want them to watch their mom do it all and know that they can also achieve anything they set their minds to! As a Latina I strive to inspire my community as well. I want to influence other Latina women by showing them that it is possible to reach any goals we set our minds and hearts to. When opportunities are presented to us, we should always take the challenge and go for it. My advice to all women is to always aim for a better way of life, education, and career growth.
Casey Carrillo
Assistant Director, University of Arizona Center for Innovation
I am a dynamic woman. Having a dynamic mindset continues to propel me to new heights and tackle new challenges in my career. My ability to be nimble, adaptive and energetic at the same time has shown me the value of hard work. I am grateful for the people who have encouraged and inspired me to become the industrious woman I am today, specifically my mom, dad and younger sister. My mom is the best role model out there. She is an entirely selfless person and my biggest cheerleader; I am forever in awe of the woman she is. My dad, the best basketball coach I know, has taught me the value of being a team player; there truly is no “I” in “team”. Every day he tells me how proud he is of me, encouraging me to achieve great things and stay true to myself. My younger sister has taught me the value of persistence and perseverance in work. I am so grateful to be her older sister, but I wonder if she’ll ever realize how much she has taught me. These three inspire the core values I’ve always carried with me and by incorporating them into my life I’ve grown within my career at a young age. I’m excited to see what the future has in store for me!
Shelby Teitelbaum
Barista, Café Zona
I am a woman of confidence; I don’t let society define beauty for me. At a young age, I encountered difficult situations and as I’ve grown up I realized I have become the person my younger self needed. I started volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Arizona to heal my inner child, as well as make sure whoever I am matched with never feels alone in life. Everyone should have someone they can talk to and trust. The best way to shape a child’s future is by helping them now. If you’re interested in creating a positive impact, volunteers with Big Brother Big Sister by going to
Araceli Hernández Granados
Senior Engineer, TC Recycling
Soy una mujer muy motivada que inicialmente hizo una especialización fácilmente alcanzable cuando comencé mi educación superior. Sin embargo, llegó un punto de inflexión en mi vida cuando mi profesor de física me alentó a inscribirme en una clase especializada en matemáticas y emprender una carrera como ingeniera. Este momento fue una fuente de validación y propósito, ya que era la primera vez que alguien reconocía mi potencial. Impulsado por el apoyo de mi familia, Sergio, Teresa y Rafael, estudié Ingeniería Industrial. Años después conocí al Dr. José Escorcia, quien me motivó aún más para obtener una maestría en ingeniería y ciencias de los materiales. Esta experiencia alimentó mi determinación de trabajar más duro, ignorar las críticas negativas y esforzarme por convertirme en una líder en mi campo. Durante mis estudios de doctorado, desarrollé un gran interés en fomentar la conciencia sobre los desechos generados durante mis experimentos. Mis esfuerzos en esta área fueron reconocidos a través de varios reconocimientos de prestigio, incluyendo el premio “Jóvenes Latinoamericanos, Protagonistas de la Innovación para la Sostenibilidad Social y Ambiental” de la UNESCO y Barcelona Activa, así como el Premio al Mérito Investigador en Tecnología de Morelos, México, en 2018. Estos logros afirmaron el valor de mi diligencia y arduo trabajo. Después de obtener mi doctorado, comencé a trabajar como investigadora posdoctoral en el ICF-UNAM, donde tuve la oportunidad de trabajar con el Dr. Horacio Martínez, quien me inspiró aún más y me brindó una visión más amplia de mi carrera. Actualmente, como ingeniero sénior en TG Recycling, estoy realizando mi ambición de toda la vida de utilizar la química circular para recuperar metales de los desechos electrónicos. Mis esfuerzos se enfocan en recuperar elementos de tierras raras de las turbinas eólicas, así como metales valiosos y tóxicos de los módulos solares, con un enfoque en la sustentabilidad y aplicando soluciones de ingeniería que beneficien tanto a la sociedad como al medio ambiente. Me apasiona profundamente inspirar a los jóvenes de mi ciudad natal de Emiliano Zapata, Morelos, México, para que reconozcan las muchas oportunidades profesionales disponibles para ellos en los campos STEM. A través de visitas periódicas a mi ciudad natal, me comprometo con los niños a través de proyectos de ciencia, enseñándoles a ser curiosos y abordar la resolución de problemas con un enfoque práctico. Mi pasión es motivar a la próxima generación de innovadores relacionados con STEM, no solo para su beneficio, sino también para inspirar a mi propia hija, Naomi Nguyen. Le debo mucha gratitud a mis seres queridos, incluidos mis padres, hermano, hija y Kevin mi esposo, por su apoyo inquebrantable y su fe en mí. Gracias por creer en mí.
I am a highly motivated woman who initially pursued an easily attainable major when I commenced my higher education. However, a turning point in my life arrived when my physics professor encouraged me to enroll in a specialized math class and embark on a career as an engineer. This moment was a source of validation and purpose, as it was the first time someone had recognized my potential. Bolstered by the support of my family, Sergio, Teresa, and Rafael, I pursued Industrial Engineering, eventually encountering Dr. José Escorcia, who further motivated me to pursue a master’s degree in material sciences and engineering. This experience fueled my determination to work harder, disregard negative criticism, and strive to become a leader in my field. During my Ph.D. studies, I developed a keen interest in increasing awareness about the waste generated during my experiments. My efforts in this area were recognized through various prestigious accolades, including the “Young Latin Americans, Protagonists of Innovation for Social and Environmental Sustainability” award from UNESCO and Barcelona Activa, as well as the Research Merit Award in Technology from Morelos, Mexico, in 2018. These achievements affirmed the value of my diligence and hard work. After earning my doctorate, I commenced work as a Postdoctoral researcher at the ICF-UNAM, where I had the opportunity to work with Dr. Horacio Martinez, who further inspired me and provided me with a larger vision for my career. Currently, as a Senior Engineer at TG Recycling, I am realizing my lifelong ambition of using circular chemistry to recover metals from electronic waste. My efforts focus on retrieving rare-earth elements from wind turbines, as well as valuable and toxic metals from solar modules, with a focus on sustainability and applying engineering solutions that benefit both society and the environment. I am deeply passionate about inspiring the youth from my hometown of Emiliano Zapata, Morelos, Mexico, to recognize the many career opportunities available to them in STEM fields. Through periodic visits to my hometown, I engage with children through science projects, teaching them to be curious and approach problem-solving with a hands-on approach. Ultimately, my hope is to motivate the next generation of STEM-related innovators, not only for their benefit but also to inspire my own daughter, Naomi Nguyen. I owe much gratitude to my loved ones, including my parents, brother, daughter, and Kevin my husband, for their unwavering support and faith in me. Thank you for believing in me.
Erida Curraj
Innovation Developer & Albanian Fellow, University of Arizona Center for Innovation
Unë jam eksperte në Zhvillim Inovacioni që kam ndihmuar bizneset, universitetet dhe organizatat e shoqërisë civile për më shumë se 15 vjet, fal aftësive të mia unike në inovacion, zhvillimin e produktit, strategjinë e biznesit dhe më shumë. Qëllimi im është të bëj një ndikim pozitiv duke kapërcyer hendekun midis biznesit dhe akademisë, fuqizimin e grave dhe promovimin e ndërveprimit midis bizneseve dhe akademikëve në Shqipëri dhe rajonin e Ballkanit Perëndimor. Në vitin 2020, bashkëthemelova WeWomen Albania, e cila është një platformë që fuqizon gratë përmes rrjetëzimit, trajnimeve dhe eksplorimit. Ne synojmë të krijojmë një komunitet gjithëpërfshirës që mbështet gratë në arritjen e qëllimeve të tyre dhe për të bërë zërin e tyre të dëgjohet. Gjithashtu, jam e përfshirë me SCiDEV Center, ku promovoj ndërveprimin midis bizneseve dhe akademikëve. Kohët e fundit, jam bashkangjitur Qendrës të Inovacionit të Universitetit të Arizonës. Në këtë program, kam mentoruar sipërmarrësit e rinj dhe krijova burime për t’i udhëhequr ata se si ti dërgojnë idetë e tyre në treg. Kam fituar përvojë të çmuar në inovacion dhe sipërmarrje, dhe jam e emocionuar ta përdor këtë njohuri në projektet e ardhshme.
I am an innovation developer who has helped businesses, universities, and civil society organizations for over 15 years. I have a unique set of skills in innovation, product development, business strategy, and more. My goal is to make a positive impact by bridging the gap between business and academia, empowering women, and promoting interaction between businesses and academics in Albania and the Western Balkan region. In 2020, I co-founded WeWomen Albania, a platform that empowers women through conversations, training, and exploration. We aim to create an inclusive community that supports women in achieving their goals and making their voices heard. I’m also involved with SCiDEV Center, promoting interaction between businesses and academics. Recently, I participated in a fellowship program at the University of Arizona Center for Innovation. As a fellow, I mentored new entrepreneurs and created resources to guide them through taking their ideas to market. I gained valuable experience in innovation and entrepreneurship, and I’m excited to use this knowledge in future projects.
Helga Sallaku
Professional Exchange Fellowship Program – Albania, University of Arizona Center for Innovation
Jam krenare për gruan që shoh në pasqyrë! Suksesi im vjen nga vetëbesimi, aftësia për ta kuptuar veten dhe për t’u ndjerë mirë me zgjedhjet që bëj. Versioni i suksesit tim, nuk ka pse të duket i njëjtë me suksesin e të tjerëve. Gjatë rrjedhës së jetës sonë, mënyra se si e shohim realitetin dhe si vlerësojmë prioritetet tona, ndryshon. Vlerat e mia dhe ajo çfarë unë e konsideroj të rëndësishme tek unë, ka ndryshuar me rritjen time. Ajo që dukej më e rëndësishme në moshë më të re, duket krejt ndryshe nën përgjegjësinë bashkshortore dhe pas ardhjes së fëmijëve në jetë. I tillë, i ndryshueshëm, është edhe përkufizimi i suksesit tonë. Ndaj, është e domosdoshme të ndjekim rrjedhën, të përshtatemi dhe të marrim vendimet e duhura në kohën dhe vendin e duhur. Jam shembulli më i mirë që do t’i udhëzojë vajzat e mia të mos e nënvlerësojnë asnjëherë veten, gjithmonë të besojnë në sukseset e tyre dhe të shijojnë jetën në maksimum.
I am proud of the woman I see in the mirror! My success comes from my self-confidence, the ability to look at myself and feel good about my choices. My version of success doesn’t have to look the same as others. Over the course of our lives, the way we see reality and how we assess our priorities changes. My values and what I deem important in me, has changed with growth. What seemed important as a single young adult looks quite different after being married and having kids. Such, variable, is also the definition of our success. It is imperative to go with the flow, adapt and make the right decisions at the right time and place. I am the best example that will guide my daughters to never underestimate themselves, always believe in their successes and enjoy life to the fullest.
Florence “Pom” Tamondong
Senior Laboratory Technologist, Eurofins CellTx
I am a woman full of love. Nothing can come close to the feeling of giving love, teaching love and receiving love. I migrated from The Philippines which has such a different culture than the US. I have lived all my life in my hometown, where life seemed slow but productive. I like to think of it as being sure that you comprehend everything before you take a leap.
Integrity, Commitment, Compassion, Perseverance and Kindness. These are values that my parents instilled in me; experience has fortified them. Kindness is at the forefront of the values. By paying it forward as much as I can, I believe I am leaving my own legacy that speak volumes without words.
Both my parents are teachers, growing up they trained me to love what I study. I love science – the methods, the puzzles, and the research. Science may be very complicated when you look at it from the outside, but, after learning, it just flows. When I work, I give it my all. I just found a knack for science and the rest was history! As a mom and a scientist, I am motivated to show my two sons they can achieve, what I can achieve.
I feel like I have gotten the 1st place in life. I made my parents proud by graduating with a degree I promised them. I love what I do – helping people the best way I can. I couldn’t pray for a better family, and I found my soul mate.
My advice is to not just to go through the motions of getting things done. Put your best foot forward. Build relationships with people. Dance like there is no tomorrow! Move with joy and inner peace. That’s where you find happiness in life.
Jill Sommers
Marketing & Communications Specialist, Tech Parks Arizona
I am a woman of moxie. Throughout my life I’ve put grit and determination into everything I’ve done. Growing up I moved through different hobbies and passions finding different aspects to love and skill sets to grow. I graduated summa cum laude from the University of Arizona in May of 2022 as a double major in Information Science & eSociety and Communication, powering through online classes in the midst of the pandemic and coming out the other side having a deeper understanding of the person I am and who I want to become as I develop alongside my career. I am a young professional. I am a problem solver and creative storyteller. I am dedicated to expanding my knowledge and continuing to grow my career. I am a woman on a journey, flourishing in her career as she goes!
Roslyn Norman
Chief Operations Officer, Paramium Technologies
I am a woman of perseverance. Perseverance is an important character trait for me. I grew up in rural Arizona near farmland along the Colorado River where I learned practical skills from my father, a construction professional. He taught me the importance of craftsmanship, attention to detail, observing my surroundings, and being tough. He also taught me the importance of listening to seasoned craftspeople in the field when engineering new designs and drafting plans. Advice I carry with me to this day, to create the best designs possible and to foster dynamic relationships with the skilled machinists and other craftspeople I work with on a regular basis.
Monica Kemsley
Public Affairs & Communications, Citi
I am a creative and artistic woman. Making art is one of the most rewarding parts of my life. While at the University of Arizona I majored in Accounting, but got my minor in 2D Studio Art, a decision that raised some eyebrows as it wasn’t a typical “useful” combination. It was important to me to develop my artistic talent irrespective if it was applicable to my career. I bring artistic elements into my work and have been fortunate to have roles that allow me to apply my creative skills. I have continued to attend art classes and learn new techniques which has facilitated a lot of personal growth and development as an artist. Many of my works feature women with themes including body positivity, fashion, and joy. I encourage everyone to pursue their passions, regardless of expectations. Do it for yourself, embrace what you love.
Jing Zhang
Senior Scientist, NP Photonics
我是一个小小的光子。小时候,我心中总是充满疑问,最想知道:世界是什么样子的?直到一天在书中读到:有了光才有了人类,有了光才让人类看到了世界万物,光让人类了解和认知世界。从此,我对光充满了好奇,也与光结下了不解之缘。大学本科主修光学专业,博士选择激光技术的研究,使我享受探索世界的无尽快乐。2008年在德国康斯坦茨大学应用光子学中心访学,我作为团队中的一名成员,亲身参与并见证了当时世界最高单脉冲能量的亚皮秒固体激光器新纪录的诞生。这次访学经历让我认识到,只要每天努力前进一点点,终会见证奇迹的诞生。2016年在美国三大光学中心之一的UA光院学习,更让我开阔了眼界,结识了更多光学领域杰出的学者。我是幸运的,在学习和工作中遇到了最好的教授和同事们,和他们一起工作、做研究,我受益终生。没有他们的帮助、指导和付出,很难想象我能如此幸运地站在UA Tech park 和如此多杰出的人一起共事。在认识世界的同时,越是开拓了视野增长了见识,就越是会认识到自身的局限。我要成为一个与光同行的女人,与所有的同行们像一粒光子一样,不断前行,照亮世界,探索未来!
I’m a woman of tiny photon. When I was a child, I always desired to know how and why the world works as it looks like. Until one day I read in a book: Only with light can there be human beings, only with light can human beings see everything in the world, and light allows human beings to understand and recognize the world. Since then, I have been full of curiosity about light, and have formed an indissoluble bond with light. I majored in optics for my undergraduate degree, and chose laser technology research for my doctorate, which made me enjoy the endless joy of exploring the world. During my research as a visiting PhD student in Germany in 2008, as a member of the team, I personally participated in and witnessed the birth of a new world record, the sub-picosecond solid state laser with the highest single pulse energy in the world at that time, which made me believe that as long as you made a small step forward every day, you would see the miracle born. In 2016, I did research at Wyant College of Optical Sciences in the University of Arizona, one of the three major optical centers in the United States, which broadened my horizon greatly and I met more international elites. I was very fortunate having met the best professors and colleagues in my studies and research, always learning a lot from working and doing research with them, which benefits me for my whole life. Without their help, guidance and dedication, it is hard to imagine that I would be so lucky to work at the UA Tech Park with so many outstanding people. While understanding the world, the more I’ve broadened my horizon, the more I realize my own limitations. I want to be a woman walking with light, like a photon, with all my peers keep moving forward, illuminating the world, and exploring the future!
Yvonne Davis
Assistant Vice President for Costco Service, Citi
I am a woman of strength. There were so many times I wanted to give up, but I knew I could not let it define me. I didn’t know how hard the road would be, but I always managed to get myself back up no matter what I was dealing with. Facing difficult challenges and overcoming them built my self-confidence, taught me self-control, and tends to foster an attitude of conscientiousness towards others, who may also face difficulties. Adversity, painful and something we all hope to avoid, can have a positive impact on our character. We acquire qualities such as persistence, self-control, conscientiousness, self-confidence, and curiosity from experiences with adversity and it is these qualities that matter, perhaps more than training and specific on-the-job skills when it comes to success in life.
Betsy Cantwell
Senior Vice President, Research and Innovation, The University of Arizona
I am a woman of innovation. I love my ability to view everything from a lens of “what is interesting with this?” thus finding unconventional perspectives. From a young age, I had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. My father, an MIT professor, fostered this desire. I felt the need to be his peer and match up to his intellect. I had an infinity for engineers and saw how fundamental they are. When I was coming up through the ranks of engineers, there were very few women and none in leadership. I quickly began to form my own upward trajectory. I am a transparent communicator. I challenged the status quo which often led to deep positive transformations. I was mindful to bring people up the corporate ladder as I climbed. I understood the peculiar challenges one faced when moving forward without a role model therefore I am a huge advocate of mentorships. As I persevered, I was promoted. I was appointed to newly created posts and higher levels of influence. I often developed the playbook while running the play. Engineering is an amazing launching pad for me. I learned that engineering, like life, has some hard rules we must abide by some softer guidelines that we achieve, and a whole lot of flexibility to apply our judgment. Now, it gives me the opportunity to create pathways for other women, women in STEM, our future innovators, leaders, and mother of our world.”
Calline Sanchez
Vice President, IBM Global TSS Service Planning and Premium Support; AZ and NM SSE, Tucson SLE
I am a woman of confidence. Born in Las Cruces and the eldest of 6 siblings. Our family moved to Arizona when my father, Dr. Charles Sanchez became the Director of the Yuma Agricultural Research Center and became a Research Scientist in Soils, Water and Environmental Sciences, School of Agriculture at the University of Arizona. From a young age, the importance of education and hard work was instilled in us. As part of the top 1% in my high school graduating class, I had the opportunity to go to college anywhere. Chose the University of Arizona based on my Wildcat pride and it is the fiscally responsible choice. After obtaining my first degree, IBM hired me and supported my educational journey starting with my BS in Management Information Systems, MBA with emphasis on Finance and Information Technology course at HBS. As I advanced within IBM, I gained a reputation for transformational leadership and exhibiting an open mindset. I enjoyed learning how to use my voice with confidence, communicating with authenticity and appropriate transparency. Each new position brought a new challenge where an open mind is pivotal. My work is very rewarding. I love what I do. I have lead badass global teams that deliver global technology solutions. I am proud to be an active part of the Tucson community – passionate about celebrating women in STEM, partnering with the local Girl Scouts/SARSEF, and enabling doors of opportunity in the business world. I see life as a grand adventure and IBM as a great BIG candy store. I eat new foods when I travel. I take time to play and teach myself new things. I don’t believe in bad ideas – creative thinking is a process and often the solution is found through exploration. Be authentic. Use your voice with confidence. Don’t eat too much candy!
Venita Martinez
Senior Software Engineer, IBM
I am a woman of determination. As a child, I did not have very many opportunities. But that didn’t stop me from working hard to be a good reader or a better student. I knew reading was fundamental to my success. I never gave up. I overcame my deficits, pulled it all together, and was proud to graduate summa cum laude. Now, I volunteer teaching kids how to read. I encourage them to never to give up. I am grateful that IBM has been there for me through the ups and downs. They have given me opportunities to grow. I found my voice. Fear doesn’t stop me from getting to the bottom of an issue. We all bring different perspectives. We are all capable of successful STEM careers.
Theresa Conner
Software Development Area Management Lead, Raytheon
I am a woman of connections. I realized about 15 years ago that my family genuinely is my purpose, I have begun to meld into the matriarch my mother has maintained for over 60 years. I work very hard every day to maintain a positive relationship with my family from my Mother down to my granddaughters. Success to me is seeing them happy and healthy. I have worked very hard over the years commuting from Arizona to Chicago to be at every school and sporting event, graduation, hospital stay to maintain a strong bond with my girls. They are both college graduates, intelligent, beautiful, and strong ambitious young women. And I see the same for my Granddaughters who are 2 and 4. My success is their success, passing on the strength and skills I learned and gained from my Mother and grandmother.
Isela Villanueva
Senior Vice President of Branded Card Collections, Citi
I am a woman of responsibility. Responsibility means stepping up and owning my actions and words. That is who I am. It means trusting my instincts.
Taking responsibility allows me to be in charge of my destiny. By nature I am inquisitive, and that makes me active instead of passive. I celebrate cultivating intellectual curiosity.
It is also my responsibility to help every person that walks in my path reach their potential of greatness. I strive to teach others how to break through glass ceilings. I champion diversity and inclusion by building a supportive workplace, upholding strong values, and recognizing everyone’s accomplishments.
Cheryl Wolhart
Client Services Manager – Retirement Division, Ascensus
I am a woman of compassion. Anything less than giving my very best is not an option. I grew up on a farm and worked from sunup to sundown. I am proud of what I have accomplished in my career. Having a title is not what is important to me, it is about having a good reputation and helping my employees reach their full potential. I have dedicated my entire career in the financial industry which back in the day was male-dominated and very few women were in leadership. I am fortunate to work for a company that rewards hard work regardless of gender. I started out in an entry-level position and always sought growing opportunities, even taken lateral moves to do something new. Now I am a manager and lead others by being their champion along the way. Seeing their strengths and ability to successfully motivate me to inspire more people each day.
Miriam Duarte
Executive Assistant, Optum Rx
I am a woman of kindness. Never underestimate a kind woman. Kindness is a choice that comes from incredible strength. Being kind not only has a direct effect on others, but it has a positive impact on yourself as well. I have always taught my children and now my grandchildren, to do acts of kindness for others, not because of who they are or what they will do in return, but because it’s the good thing for them to do. Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver. Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.
Melissa Davis
Lab Manager and Special Projects Coordinator, Tech Parks Arizona
I am a woman of ambition. I am a lifelong learner and a hard worker. Just like moving water, I never allow myself to be stagnant, seeking change. I hunger for knowledge to bring improvement to myself and my family. I am a woman who is decisive and intentional about my time. I make decisions that align with my future goals. I am a woman who thrives both personally and professionally. I strive to inspire those around me and work hard to be better for myself and my family every day.
Krystal Hernandez
Executive Assistant, Raytheon
I am a woman of love. I’m so blessed to have been raised by an amazing mother who exemplified unconditional love. Growing up with the bare minimum, I was taught how to maximize, appreciate, and give what I did have which quantified to things not sold in any store, rather, by all the good things instilled in my heart. This has shaped me into who I am as a mother and why I am able love with all I have. Love is only the beginning; courage, strength, ambition, confidence, and kindness are the fruits in which it bears. Love and be loved!
Kristin Petersen
Executive Assistant, Integral Healthcare Solutions
I am a woman of resilience. If I get knocked down, I will get back up. Every day we make choices to be resilient and believe in ourselves. When you find yourself surrounded in shadow look for the light. And if it feels like it’s not there. become it! It takes a great amount of faith to overcome fear, and even though circumstances may be beyond our control, we have a choice as to how we are going to respond. I have a realistic optimism that situations will work out, even though it requires hard work on my part. I trust myself and follow my intuition and know that no matter what storm may come my way, I will rise above because I am resilient. Be the light!
Ivon Loomis
Manager, Ascensus
I am a woman of joyfulness. If there is anything that has helped me get through life it is laughter. Give yourself permission to laugh – long and out loud – whenever anything strikes you as funny. The people around you may think you are strange, but sooner or later they’ll join in even if they don’t know what you’re laughing about. Laughing is and always will be, the best form of therapy.
Clarissa Holguin
I am a woman of endless boundaries. I am outspoken and proud to be my authentic self. Too often we are told to live in a particular box with limitations, but I now know this is not my truth. I remove the obstacles to see past the established boundaries and I pioneered my own unique path. I embrace my entire self and want my truthfulness to help others feel comfortable. I value all the trials and tribulations that have led me to be my resilient self. I grow strong daily. At this very moment, I am shaping my future. There are so many possibilities. I know that dreaming of my success is not just a dream. I work for it.
Janelle Briggs
Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Stackhouse
I am a woman of courage. I am grateful to be biracial and for my two parents who raised me with strong beliefs and rich culture. My dad is the strong silent type and my mom is a ray of sunshine, both characteristics are woven deep into who I am. I value who I am and fight for what I believe in. I have found my voice and place and will not give up on my dreams. I am an entrepreneur and pick up my passion day after day, regardless of the obstacles. To be courageous is a choice I make every day.
Carmen Tineo
Project Manager, Citi
Carmen Tineo- Citi- Project Manager I am a woman of tenacity. I don’t give up. I set the bar high and once I achieve my goal, I set the next bar higher. I am a highly driven person. I wake up every morning, thank God and do everything with love and passion and live that day for that purpose. I am part of a close family built on faith. I am a daughter, a sister, an aunt, and a mother that does not give up I have learned so much from what my family has gone through. You can call me stubborn, but I call it passionate. Each person in my life has taught me to be tenacious. My mother has always been my hero, someone who has survived, conquered, and still lives as the amazing Latina she is today. Her and my grandma set my foundation, my root. my life grows from the seed of belief that I can do whatever I put my mind to. My mom has inspired my sister and I to be amazing mothers, to be bold, strong, confident, independent, and intelligent. We teach these virtues to our children. To my son, I impart the best of who I am. May my thoughts be taught, my example seen, and my love felt, and let that guide you to overcome and be more than a conqueror just like your mom.
Sheri Jackson
SAN Quality Assurance Architect, IBM
I am a woman of inspiration. I come from a large close family, that always stressed the importance of education and our traditional values. My Navajo name is Kéhazbaa, given to me by my maternal grandmother when I was born, meaning to journey with peace, positive good vibes and relationships with everyone around me. This describes my passion for helping others. One of my father’s teaching is to get up early before the sunrise and greet the day with a prayer and a humble run. Incorporating some type of physical fitness routine to start my day has helped with my personal growth. Running has helped me deal with daily stress, giving me fuel for my day. My mom always told us, all you have to say is Hózhóogo Naasháa Doo which means to go forth with peace, balance, beauty and harmony. I bring meaning to this by the way I live each day: respect for myself, respect for mother earth, and respect for others. These are all ways that I encourage my kids to live a healthy/balanced lifestyle. As a native woman in STEM, it gives me a unique opportunity to combine my traditional values and engineering principles into innovative ideas. It means being a role model for today’s youth, including my children. I want to inspire other women in STEM as well to be innovators.
Gina Alverez
Service Account Manager, Optum Rx
I am a woman of hope. I look different, I carry myself differently, but it doesn’t make me less successful or better than the next person. I love to be what others don’t expect me to be. I value those who have always paved the way for my successes. It has empowered me to give hope to those that feel they will never be more than what you see. I am a born survivor, a fighter, and a victor because my experiences have shaped my life. I approach challenges head-on. I succeed because I face issues head-on. I welcome you to experience my world, only then will you realize you have no right to criticize me, only hope to be as strong as me.
Holly Griffin
Chief Financial Officer & Chief Operational Officer, NP Photonics
I am a woman of passion. My passion fuels my drive and determination to overcome challenges, continuously improve and give my very best to all situations. Just when I reach the success, I believe I want, I realize there is more to learn, more to embrace, more areas where I can grow. I am constantly striving for improvement and always aiming for excellence. I am a straight shooter and often deliver tough truths which ultimately help others grow while also helping me learn how to be a better leader, mentor, and manager. I want to inspire people by example but also demonstrate humanity through failure and success in rebounding from those failures. I have overcome more challenges than I can count and that is what helps me lead. I understood who I wanted to be and where I wanted to go but like many, I am still not sure which path gets me there, but I am embracing my journey. We cannot change others, but we can change our perspective, knowledge base and environment. Use that as your compass, remember that true north is different for each person. Keep raising that bar and growing. I don’t have all the answers, but I know my worth and I am dedicated to helping others realize theirs as well.
Felicia Valenzuela
Executive Administrator, Citi
I am a woman of adventure. We live in a world right now that makes every day a challenge. Even though this past year has felt like a constant drumbeat of one crisis after another, it is important to remember that we have also seen unprecedented hope, bold action, and solidarity. As we work to meet the challenges that arise, we cannot lose sight of our goal, a brighter future that everyone can share. We need to believe in ourselves to reshape a uniquely united world. We must stay focused on our potential, as individuals and as a community, to propel change. What we do now, together, will shape what happens next. I personally cannot wait to start this adventure.
Lee Werner
Cashier, Eurest – Café Zona
I am a fearless woman. I have had many challenges in my life, but I have always made through it. There are no negatives in life, only challenges that make you stronger. I want to remind women not to forget that you CAN achieve goals on your own! My goal is to bring a smile and sometimes a laugh to my customers, especially the non-morning people.
Mica Kinder
CEO, Insulin Initiatives
I am a triumphant woman. I want to inspire other women by letting them know that your circumstances do not define you.
The supportive women that I have met recently really inspire me to show up and make miracles happen: Courtney, Katie, Jessica, Anita, Shari, Sonia, Rhonda, Liz, Dre, and many more. These smart, amazing, talented women accepted me and brought me into their tribe. I never really fit in before. I deeply thank them for telling me on a daily basis that I was one them until finally, I believed I was.
My biggest piece of advice to myself and other women – stop putting everyone else’s wants and needs before mine. By taking care of yourself, you are better able to take care of everyone else.
I am not only inspired but empowered by my incredible family. My dad who has gone to work every day, consistently for the last 32 years, whether he was sick or hurt. He is always present for family who are sick or hurt, whether celebrating an event or even dying. He showed me that working for yourself isn’t easy, but he kept showing up and made it possible for my mom to be present for everything. My mom empowers me by being present for everything, I couldn’t have done it without you. My kids empower me too. I am so proud of the incredible adults they have become! They have overcome things that would make most adults give up and they inspire me every day to do better and be better. They make me who I am.
Jennifer Harrington
z/OS DFSMShsm Development, IBM
I am a woman of empowerment. I hope to empower other women by being visible and present. We tell girls that they can be anything they want, but I think that showing them is more meaningful. Seeing other women constantly pushing boundaries and challenging the status quo is very empowering. I feel most empowered when other women choose to be themselves no matter what.
At a young age, I tended to be a bit disruptive at times and found school to be a bit boring. I hadn’t yet been taught how to channel that energy into being productive. One of my teachers in grade school took the time to realize that I was a little too passionate so she invested her personal time into me, finding creative ways that I could learn in addition to our regular curriculum. This kept me (and her!) sane. That experience empowered me to find new ways to succeed through unconventional means no matter the circumstances. It helped me realize that everyone has potential even if they don’t fit a certain mold. As I am given more opportunities to lead, I always look at how I can empower others to succeed.
Tina Vindiola
Executive Assistant, Raytheon
I am a woman of change. I’ve been inspired by all the women in my life, my close friends, my family members, the women I have supported and the women I have worked with. My mother is my mentor, she took disability and turned it into an opportunity. She was born with power, the power to succeed and the power to do whatever she wanted to do. I learned from her at a young age by watching her. She empowered me to tap into my confidence which comes from within. Nobody can give you confidence. Confidence comes from within our souls. I want to empower women by being honest, present, approachable. We should celebrate each other and be the kind of person that always adds value to those we are around. After all, we all shine brighter together. Be the change you want to see!
Natalie McEnteffer
Manager of Client Services, Ascensus
I am a woman of action. I want women to know they can do anything. There is never a task that cannot be accomplished regardless of perceived fears or hesitations. I have watched people in my life complete things I never thought were possible. It’s inspiring. It gave me the courage to stop saying I can’t and finding a way to get done what I want to get done.
I want to inspire other women with my actions to prove that the impossible is achievable.
Kim Alegria
Senior Optical Engineer, Coherent
I am a woman of focus. There is no challenge that I cannot overcome.
I come from a long line of engineers. I first realized I wanted to pursue a technical career when taking an aptitude test in middle school. My father, an engineer at Raytheon, suggested I pursue a career in the Optical Engineering field because of the numerous opportunities. I made this career goal my focus. Although there were not many women in this technical field, I didn’t let that keep me from succeeding.
I was very fortunate to have parents who were supportive of my career decisions, whatever the choice may have been. My father was very proud of my choice, my grandfather (an electrical engineer) was extremely excited to have an engineer grandchild and my mom was my biggest cheerleader.
The most important thing I’ve learned is that you must believe in yourself. You can’t grow if you don’t take risks. In order to get through tough times, you have to believe you can overcome and take the necessary proper steps. Support from the important people in your life can help keep you from falling down, but only you can take the first step forward.
Shari Kahn
Administrative Assistant, University of Arizona Center for Innovation
I am a grateful woman. It is important to know your worth and not to be afraid to be proud of who you are and all that you have accomplished.
I like to empower women by helping boost other woman’s self-esteem. This is very rewarding, not only making them feel great but myself as well. One of my favorite sayings is: “Be the woman who fixes another woman’s crown without telling the world it was crooked”. That is what I aspire to do every day!
I am so fortunate and have been surrounded by incredibly strong women in my life. My mother and sister have been my inspiration. They taught me to love unconditionally; to be open-minded and compassionate to other people and their feelings. Strength not only comes from within but from those whom we surround ourselves with.
Cynthia Davis
Customer Service, Optum Rx
I am a woman of strength. My role as a Latina woman is to never lose my identity and to be as fierce and fiery as my abuela. Raising my own 3 daughters, I want to empower them to be strong and encourage them to be amazing Latina women leaders. I want to nurture and foster their skills. I want their voices to be heard, whenever possible. I want to encourage them to solve their issues and develop their coping skills. I want to inspire them to take a risk so they build their self-esteem. I am raising powerful women, that have the freedom to disagree with me but, it doesn’t mean they will win. Overall, I make sure to listen and remind them how much I love them. I acknowledge their struggles and support them as their strong Latina mother.
Jacinta Esquer
Service and Sales Senior Supervisor, Citi
I am a woman of transformation. I’m personally inspired by the strength and perseverance of all women. When I think of the women who have had a profound impact on me, there are three that come to mind: My mom, a single parent who raised me while tirelessly working and pursuing her education simultaneously; she persevered despite the odds. My aunt, who has endured so much grief yet manages to be the hardest working person I’ve ever met, bar none. My “mother in spirit,” who always gives selflessly, without fail, to others in need.
I’ve come to embrace the philosophy that by showing up as ourselves, we permit others to do the same. Therefore, I seek to both inspire and uplift other women by being brave and living authentically on my terms. I have reinvented my identity and life more than once and I’ve done it despite the proverbial sideways glance. We all have a choice in how we live our lives, and no one is ultimately accountable to that choice, except you.
Sara Coronado
Performance Analyst, IBM
I am a woman of inspiration. I am inspired by women who take an active role in the personal and professional development of those around them. We all make mistakes, but the great leaders see those missteps as opportunities for growth and the chance to build personal connections. When we come alongside one another with constructive feedback and encouragement, we have the power to shape the next generation. I want to inspire women to make that investment in their peers!
Sruthi Natt
Biomedical Engineer, NANOPEC
I am a woman of ambition. Being awestruck by how airplanes could fly was one of my earliest memories, and ever since then, I knew engineering was my calling. I moved to the United States as a graduate student from India to pursue my dreams of becoming a biomedical engineer. To me, science has presented a world full of opportunities and I believe anyone can be involved, regardless of their gender and affinities. My favorite quote is: “the harder you work, the luckier you get!”
Jade Owensby
Client Services Manager, Ascensus
I am a woman of impact. A woman, alone, has power; collectively we have an impact. I truly believe empowered women empower women. Inspiring, encouraging, and bolstering the women around you, sparks a fire within our hearts and minds. Strengthening the bonds among women of all generations, respecting the value of the voices among diverse communities, emboldens women to share their opinions and increasing our overall worth – making an impact through strength in numbers.
As a mother of two young women, I celebrate their self-expression and encourage them to be their authentic selves. Loving yourself, respecting your body, mind, and soul is the greatest gift you can share with others. Being genuine and appreciating your quirky self, empowers you to embrace the life and circumstances you live, assisting you to overcome challenges and reminds us that we are stronger when acting together.
Jade Owensby
Client Services Manager, Ascensus
I am a woman of encouragement. My mother worked in a GM factory, raised her children and still managed every day of life. She taught me perseverance. She taught me strength. She taught me to be the woman I am today.
I want to be an invaluable woman. A woman that works hard every day, takes care of her family and still encourages other women to stand strong. Life isn’t easy. Life as a woman isn’t easy. But if we all pitch in to revive each other, empower each other, then we will champion each other. we should empower the women around us to succeed and excel in every aspect of their lives. We are currently entering a new era where women are being celebrated and are given opportunities more than ever before. Let’s not throw these opportunities away in the quest to get ahead of one another. Let’s stop mistreating each other and making everything a competition. Next time you see a woman working towards success and her goals, empower her! Give her support. Be her ‘hype’ woman. Give her advice. Give her encouragement. Give her every ounce of effort you would want someone to give you if you were in her shoes. I promise you she will never forget it. And you never know, it could pay off in the future for you and the many other women around you.
Johana Guzman
Officer – Costco Cards, Citi
I am a woman of PODER! My parents are both from Mexico. Machismo isn’t present in my parent’s household! My parents have always worked hard together in everything they do. They never expected one to cook dinner, or the other to clean, wash clothes or fold it! They worked together, to show us they were in it to win.
My parents took the “traditional” Latin culture and turned it on its head. They taught me how to be like them. Strong. Independent. Someone who doesn’t need anyone for anything. A person who can get by on their own steam and if things became difficult, keep pressing forward. My determination came straight from them.
The biggest challenge has been working towards changing the perception of how Latinx contribute to this country. Breaking barriers has been both the greatest challenge and the greatest opportunity in my career. The lack of Latinx representation in my industry has been my greatest motivation. Figuring out how to overcome that and how to be authentic to myself and to my background was an incredible learning experience and development opportunity. When I joined Citi, the company invested in my leadership skills, matching me with mentors and surrounding me with amazing talent. I’ve learned to break barriers and I have the confidence to be myself and to celebrate diversity. And that has made all the difference.
Kerry Gonzales
Technical Project Manager, Steward Observatory
I am a woman of confidence. Being a woman in a male-dominated industry, you are very aware of other people’s misconceptions about gender and weakness. Having to create your own identity and become known and respected in a male-dominated field, requires strength and determination.
My mother helped shape me into who I am today. She was a single, working mother of two young girls. My sister and I grew up believing that we could do and be anything we wanted. As I gained confidence in my teens and beyond, I started to see the real possibilities of what I could accomplish. And the older I got, the more I knew I could do anything. Now, not only do I have a career in engineering, but I also drive a racecar in autocross competitions in my free time. I love the challenge of racing and building my car from the bottom up. Challenge yourself to show others you have no limits on what you can be.
Sara Enright
Director, Client Services, Ascensus
I am a woman of progress. I’m not sure that I’ve broken any barriers on my own, but I think enlisting in the military 30+ years ago was not something many women did. Women were not always valued in the military, but rather tolerated in many instances. At my first station, I was told by my leader upon arrival that women did not belong in the military and to stay out of the way. My determination to do well regardless of the support I received was a result of how my parents raised me and perhaps my own stubbornness. However, I hope that each of us focuses on making the world a better place where everyone is valued for their contributions. Let us remember that when we have two good choices, always go with the one that scares you the most, because that’s the one that’s going to help you grow.
Kimberlee Avant
Senior Manager, Human Resources Business Partner, Raytheon
I am a woman of innovation. I enjoy executing innovation. I am fulfilled by the ability to be creative in everything I do. It is part of my nature.
I am a woman who is not afraid to push the status quo and embrace change. Even at the top, you can always improve and achieve more. I am the product of many college graduates in my family. My parents always communicated to “get your paper, as it is something no one can take from you, and something you will earn on your own.” I still live by those words of wisdom today. No one can do the work for you. You must persevere, work hard, be true to yourself, embrace the failures, and enjoy the wins. The saying “people are in your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime” rings true. You will experience many lessons throughout your journey here on earth, and it is what you make of it. Throughout my work/life journey, I have always tried to learn from what is around me, why I am placed here, what do I need to learn, and then how will I pay it forward. Relationships are key to execution and being able to expand your network. I learned that life is short when I was in a car accident back in high school. At that moment, I learned that everything I knew could be gone, including myself. Live in the moment, and although life might be tough, realize that you are learning a lesson that will make you stronger. I have tried to keep that drive and innovation throughout my work and home life and to enjoy the company and opportunities I am given each day.
Shannon Gallaher
Senior Software Engineer, IBM
I am a woman of courage. I am inspired by those who lead by example, listen well, make thoughtful decisions, and bring out the best in others. I strive to be this type of person and am immensely grateful for God and my wonderful family, friends, and colleagues who support me as I learn and grow from both successes and challenges in life. I empower other women by recognizing and affirming their unique and beautiful strengths and contributions. I hope to encourage working moms as they build successful, fulfilling careers while pouring time, love and energy into raising thriving children. Both of my wonderful children have special needs and have worked extremely hard to achieve things that come naturally to most people. More than anyone, they have taught me that hard work, determination, and a positive attitude lead to incredible outcomes.
Diana Horn
Executive Administrator, Association of University Research Parks
I am a woman of promise. I come from a world where culture can pressure you to be a wife, a mother and to focus only on your loved ones. But with my family and especially my mom, I was always encouraged to continue the path of MY success and to progress MY career. It’s because of her that I am enthralled to encourage other women of their capabilities, reminding them to never hinder themselves to be who they are and all they can be. It is now our time to fulfill the promise—to create a world where every little girl from every corner of the world can fulfill their potential without roadblocks and prejudice. No longer should anyone doubt that a woman could be a top surgeon, a software engineer, an astronaut or indeed a leader in any field that she might choose.
Milana Marshall
Senior at Vail Academy and High School
I am a woman for the future. I have had the privilege of working with amazing women that have inspired me to act courageously, push myself beyond my perceived limits, and make the impossible happen. I am humbled by the thought that at times I may inspire others to believe in themselves and make magic happen.
Nedlaya Francisco
DS8k Copy Services Development Software Engineer, IBM
I am a woman of encouragement. I am a Navajo woman, enthusiastic, independent and hard-working engineer. I enjoy being a software engineer because it challenges me, and I get to work with a diverse group of people. I want to encourage other Native American kids to never give up on their dreams, they can overcome any obstacles and continue to work toward their goals. I want to inspire future generations of scientists and engineers from different backgrounds and support their interest in math and science.
Marilynn Franco
Storage Business Operations Manager, IBM
I am a woman of action. I am a copper miner’s daughter. At work, I am surrounded by intelligent, strong and independent women. Their beliefs, thoughts and ideas help me think differently and inspire me to be better at work and in the community. My mentor, Becky Enderle, has always inspired me because she doesn’t fear the impossible. She is career-oriented and great at managing her IBM team, but she also enjoys life outside of work. She taught me to be confident in my choices, go after jobs that I want and to live life to the fullest. Every day my mother’s tenacity and determination inspire me. Growing up she instilled in me, that I can do whatever I want in this world no matter where I come from. Even after retirement, she is constantly setting goals, meeting them and finding ways to help others. I hope to inspire other women to reach their full potential and use it by not being afraid to dream big, set goals, communicate ideas, ask questions and push boundaries. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses: it is best to identify them, play on your strengths and improve on your weaknesses.
Bernadette Franco
Director of Finance and Human Resources, Tech Parks Arizona
I am a woman of my own success. You can overcome and achieve anything. I am a first generation college graduate. I would not have been able to achieve my goals if I didn’t have the support and love from my parents. My mom, even though she never attended college, she always pushed her children to achieve a college degree. She would even stay up late quizzing me, even though she didn’t know how to pronounce the terminology for my science major. By my senior year, she rattled words off with perfect annunciation. Having my mom take the time to help me study, showed me that at any age you can learn. You need to be fearless and not worry what others may think of you. If you keep moving forward you can achieve anything. Her love kept me determined to be driven for success and constantly pushing through barriers. I had to pay for my own college education, at the time it seemed difficult, but I did it with the love and support of my parents, and now looking back it is one of my biggest accomplishments. No one can take that away from me and without realizing it at that time, my parents were teaching me the biggest lesson of all. When there’s a will there’s a way. The world is not an easy place, challenges will arise that you never saw coming, but if you have faith, love, support, drive and just keep moving forward you will come out on the other side a better person.
Carol Stewart
Associate Vice President, Tech Parks Arizona
I am a woman who is often described as tenacious. Success is designed not destiny. I am a college graduate in a university world. My growth has happened in stages; early 20s brought marriage, determination, and a mindset that the status quo was not good enough; 30s brought professional advancement, new challenges, and a daughter 10 weeks premature; ’40s brought the opportunity to find my passion and become best in class; ’50s brought the onset of life-changing situations that impacted my family forever – suicide, entrepreneurship, global exposure, and an unsolicited opportunity in a new country. My little family has set out on an adventure that will allow all of us to grow outside of our comfort zone into new realms. We are ready to write the next chapter which includes Tucson, UA Tech Parks, the University of Arizona, and our home country of Canada. I have two mantras that guide me through life: “you lick from the lollipop of mediocrity once and you will suck forever” and “be the woman who fixes another woman’s crown without telling the world it was crooked.”
Beth Peterson
Senior Technical Staff Member, Master Inventor, IBM
I am a little shot that keeps shooting. Inspiration comes when we share our truth and grow from our shared experiences. I strive to lead by example, lighting my path for others to learn from both my successes and struggles. “Do one thing every day that scares you.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt
Kat Honeycutt
Bookkeeper and Executive Assistant to the CFO and Park Director, Tech Parks Arizona
I am a woman of integrity, who is kind, honorable, and someone my children can be proud of. My children are my whole world. Kindness is contagious; it can change lives! It helps to feed my soul while lifting the spirits of others. I have learned that everyone has problems, some big and some small, but we always have a choice. Never choose to be a victim of your circumstances. Instead, learn and grow by looking for the positive in all situations. I live the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Ravneet Mayall
Communications and External Relations, Citi
There is no force equal to a woman determined to rise. I am a first-generation East Indian immigrant who grew up in New York City during the ’70s. My father never thought his daughter should work. My family culture back then was to educate their girls and get them married. I did marry young and moved to Canada. I started my family and raised two boys along with running two successful businesses. It took a lot of hard work and determination as moving to a new country meant learning French in order to be successful working alongside the French Canadians in Quebec. Fast forward 18 years later – our family had made the decision to move to Tucson. Starting all over was tough. I started at the beginning as an agent, but senior leadership quickly saw my potential and willingness to work hard. They helped me grow in different management roles in operations. Today, I am proud of my 10-year tenure with Citi. I have successfully built and advanced teams and finetuned my excellent leadership skills along the way. My path hasn’t been easy, but I tell my kids “as long as you have goals, work hard and know your worth, you can accomplish anything!”
April Aguilar
Administrative Assistant, Raytheon Contractor – Certified Yoga Level I, Level II, Premise Health
I am a woman of balance. I try to inspire both on and off the yoga mat and to encourage both a physical and mental strength of self-love, self-awareness, confidence and the ability to lead with an open heart. It’s important for women to not compare each other, but recognize and encourage others to seek self-love in their own beauty and celebrate diversity in their own shape, color, age and size.
Kymberly Slater
Hardware Engineer, TS7700, Virtual Tape Hardware Development, IBM
I am a woman of confidence. The most inspiring women are those who know and love who they are despite what the world tells them they need to be. When inspiring others, it is important to display confidence, which will come naturally when you do your very best. Women, accept who you are. Don’t be so hard on yourself. And know that mistakes are learning opportunities.
Stacy Kuzmich
Client Service Manager, Ascensus
I am a woman of change. The woman I was yesterday, taught me to be the woman I am today. You don’t have to know what is going to happen to make a change. You figure it out as you go. Sometimes you figure it out on your own, and sometimes it takes a trusted support system to guide you through. A wise man once told me, “Be comfortable with the uncomfortable.”
Maggie Ramirez
Unit Manager, Collections, Citi
I am often described as successful, strong and caring. I am many things: a sister, a friend, a wife, a mother, a survivor, a woman. As a native of Tucson, I grew up as a minority in my neighborhood. Even at a young age, I realized I was different. I would get bullied, physically and emotionally, for being my authentic self which made it hard to live my truth. It gave me a harder battle to fight, it took a lot of hard work and determination to come out strong and alive, not only as a woman, but as a lesbian woman. My mother was one of seven girls, so I come from a long line of strong, independent, talented and smart women. My mother taught me strength and courage. She always told me to fight for what I believe in and that I was capable of doing anything I put my mind to. I watched my mother fight her hardest battle in life, cancer. She never gave up, even when it felt like the doctors where giving up. Her fight made me a stronger person because it made me dig deep and realize my own strength. It is important to look around and see who is sitting at the table with you. You can never underestimate anyone because you don’t know their story and what battles they had to win to get to where they are. Be willing to listen and learn from others so that you can surround yourself with people that motivate and inspire you to be the best version of yourself. My wife and I have a 2 ½ year old son, which makes it even more important that I show him to love and respect himself and others. He is part of our future and as he has strong, positive female influences, such as myself, my wife and my mother in law, it is up to us to show him to do what is right and how to fight stereotypes and injustice. Never apologize for being a strong woman.
Anita Bell
Director, University of Arizona Center for Innovation
I am a collaborator and connector. I like to say “it takes a village,” meaning that any situation requires different kinds of people to make it work. By bringing everyone to the table, we work together and move forward along a better path. Women inspire me by exhibiting strong leadership attributes and showing compassion while getting things done at the same time. I am a curious, strong woman who doesn’t take ‘no’ for an answer, but rather takes it as a challenge to find a solution. My younger self was often intimidated by life’s circumstances; now I deal with life’s hardballs by following my instincts to do the right things and by staying confident with who I am.
Da’Jana Rader
Client Service Representative, Ascensus
I inspire women by proving every day that we can take care of our children, sickness and all, and still show up to work and excel on a daily basis. Women inspire me because even though we are considered the weaker sex, we cry, we struggle, we hurt, we comfort and we love without hesitation, no matter what the world throws at us. We still get up, fix our hair and sometimes our makeup, and keep going.
Jessa Turner
Director of Communications, Tech Parks Arizona
I am blessed. I have God-sized dreams. Some have been achieved and some are still in the works. My mom taught me a lot and always believed in me. She inspired me to be the compassionate and hard-working woman that I am today. I like to think of myself as a “do-er” as actions speak louder than words. I am also an encourager. I see the best in people and often share encouraging words to support their journey. It feeds my soul, just as much as theirs. We are all part of a larger story. Through the years, I have learned to let God guide me. He will stretch me beyond what I feel capable of doing and equip me for success if only I take the first steps forward. Anything we want to achieve in life is going to take hard work. Don’t be afraid of the work and don’t put limits on what can be achieved. “With God, all things are possible. And all things are possible to those who believe!”
Danielle Savage
Manager, Ascensus
I am a woman of ambition. I love a challenge. If you tell me that I can’t do something, I will find a way to do it. I am inspired by women who empower other women. Former first lady Michelle Obama said, “I have been at every powerful table you can think of… they’re not that smart.” That’s empowering! We have to change our mindset. Self-doubt is not an option. We are worthy of success and several seats at those same tables. I want to inspire women to embrace their authenticity. Why? Remaining true to myself has always been tough for me in corporate America. Is my hair okay? Am I speaking properly? What do people think of me? My mantra is now: You don’t need anyone’s approval or permission. Be you.
Brenda Hough
Community Outreach Coordinator, Tech Parks Arizona
I am a work in progress! I have experienced both hardships and blessings. I have had pain and love. I am empathetic to others because of this. I am strong, independent and adaptable because I have persevered despite my struggles. I am inspired by women who are confident and kind. I am thankful for my children, my husband, my parents, friendships and faith. I hope I can lift other women up by respecting them, having an attitude of forgiveness, and remembering that success is different for everyone. I would like to see the world as a big enough for all of us, with enough love to go around. We can support each other, see the goodness in each other and not be diminished or compare ourselves; but rather be encouraged to embrace our own individuality, and learn from others who exhibit maturity and grace.
Denise Marrow
Administrator, Raytheon
I am a passionate woman. I don’t have all the answers, but I know my worth. I’m inspired by the woman who is in a position of authority, who chooses not to bark orders but wants instead to inspire those under her to not only succeed, but to be their very best so they can exceed her. I hope that I’m able to inspire women to find their voice and not be afraid to use it, and to lead even if they don’t have a title, so that they may continue to create the change that make our lives and the world better.
Wendy Frazzell
Associate Benefits Analyst, OptumRx
I am real. It’s the one thing I know how to be that comes naturally to me. I think it’s important to be your BEST self and not be swayed by trying to become someone else or the genuine you could be lost. My advice to the younger generation is – don’t sweat the small stuff. I’ve learned that time can heal or resolve most of our daily anxieties if you just let it, along with a bit of true faith. Live every moment, especially the simple ones. Laugh often. Love beyond your words. Enjoy your journey!
Ava Hernandez
Michael Hernandez, Site Operations Manager, IBM
I am a father. This is my daughter. I encourage Ava to dream big, and know that she can grow up and choose to do whatever she wants to do. No matter what, I will always be proud of her, she will always have my endless love and support. Ava inspires me to be a better person through and through. As a parent I know that whatever I do makes a strong imprint on her and the person that she will grow up to be. I do my best to make all the correct choices, and hope that Ava will learn and follow down that path.
Samantha Utter
DS 8000, DA Microcode Development 7xva, IBM
I am a woman engineer. I am inspired by women who support and lift each other up. I strive to be a strong role model to other women as well. In college, I made a decision to become an engineer. Today I am an experienced software engineer. I am proud to be a woman in a male-dominated industry and hope to empower others to the same. Don’t let people push you around. As a woman, we need to stick together. Never forget to follow what you love.
Jennifer Shioya
Senior Engineer, IBM
I am a woman of strength, independence and intelligence. I want girls and young women to know how important it is to use their voices – that their ideas, dreams, and passion make a difference in the world. I’m inspired by women who never sacrifice kindness and help others on their own paths to success.
Kathy Williams
Office Manager, Tech Parks Arizona
My grandmother taught me at a young age that with perseverance and tenacity you can achieve anything you set out to do. She inspired me to work hard and I have always had a minimum of two jobs. I have passed along this hard work ethic to my daughter. I raised my daughter to be respectful and she was inspired to raise her family in the same manner. You can’t love others until you love yourself.
Tracy Bibeau
Executive Assistant to the Associate Vice President, Tech Parks Arizona
I am a strong woman of the UA Tech Park. This month we reflect on the incredible women in our world and all they’ve done to further women’s rights and equality. But, how do we celebrate the women who aren’t in the spotlight? The women who are not on TV, who haven’t written a novel, and who don’t run companies. I want to celebrate the women who usually don’t get the acknowledgment they deserve. Like the woman sitting next to you, the one who signs your paycheck, and most importantly, the one reading these words right now – You! Nearly every day, we have been reading inspiring stories about women beating the odds and paving the way for future generations. Yet, I rarely take the time to appreciate my own accomplishments and reflect on how I have overcome my own obstacles. So to celebrate women’s month, I’d like to remind you why today—and every day forward—isn’t just for the big names out there. It’s for us. Celebrate your greatness. Remember you can do anything!